Further gains for wind energy

August was another powerful month for the wind energy sector, with instantaneous records being broken several times. Wind produced more electricity than coal for five days in total over the month, according to statistics produced by Enappsys. Wind also generated more...

Green excellence in Wales – mapped

The sponsors and finalists of the 2014 Wales Green Energy awards have been mapped, and they demonstrate a good geographical spread around Wales. We’ve created an interactive map which you can use to find out more about these cheerleaders for green energy; click...

Wales’ energy sector; carbon ‘villain’

The research service of the National Assembly has recently published updated statistics on Wales’ greenhouse gas emissions. The stats show that Wales’ emissions are (broadly speaking) decreasing, although not as quickly as required to meet the 2020 target,...

Wales – erratic on efficiency

On the day when Sweett Group published a report demonstrating that implementing the highest standards of energy efficiency adds only 2% to the cost of a commercial building, the Welsh Assembly published a report on Wales’ progress towards the sustainability of...

Support for fracking plumbs new depths

DECC today published the 10th in its series of ‘Opinion Tracker’ surveys. Good news if you like clean, green renewables. Bad news for the dwindling band of nuclear and fracking supporters.           DECC asks the same question of...

The Delta Daffodil

Yesterday’s unveilingĀ of the Tidal Energy Ltd ‘Deltastream’ tidal device – said by some to bear a striking resemblance to a giant daffodil – was attended by a range of people from across the environmental, business and political spectrum....