RenewableUK Cymru welcomes Planning Bill

RenewableUK Cymru, the trade association representing the renewable energy industry in Wales, has welcomed today’s introduction of the Planning Bill by Welsh Government. Sara Powell-Davies, Communications Manager at RenewableUK Cymru said: “Wales has enormous...

Wales showcases expertise in Manchester

Welsh companies are travelling ‘en masse’ to Manchester for this year’s RenewableUK Annual Conference. A group of around 20 companies are being represented under the auspices of the Welsh Government economic development brand, an activity which...

Pickles; a recruiting sergeant for devolution?

RenewableUK recently announced that Eric Pickles’ interference in 50 onshore wind planning applications had potentially jeopardised projects with a total investment potential of £581m, and putting more than 2,000 jobs at risk. In decisions which appear strangely...

RenewableUK Cymru responds to positive Clocaenog Forest decision

RenewableUK Cymru has welcomed today’s announcement from DECC to grant planning consent to RWE Innogy UK Ltd for its Clocaenog Forest Wind Farm. Commenting on the decision, David Clubb, Director of RenewableUK Cymru, said: “Clocaenog Forest has the potential to...

Meet the team

RenewableUK Cymru has taken another small step into the world of media production, with the release of a video which aims to highlight the people behind the ‘brand’. Shot in just 30 minutes in Bute Park, and edited over a few hours, this is another example...