The leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew RT Davies, has had his application for a wind turbine turned down.

The Vale of Glamorgan Council received an objection from Cardiff Airport,  and the response from the local authority included this memorable statement:

“This is clearly a case of a half-baked or improperly prepared scheme being submitted for planning permission too quickly. This is a matter which absolutely should have been resolved prior to any application being submitted”.

Mr Davies should note that RenewableUK has a full-time officer dedicated to aviation issues, who has a great track record of assisting individuals or companies with this type of problem.

Commenting on the rejection, David Clubb said:

“We welcome the implicit support of Andrew RT Davies towards onshore wind via this planning application, which stands in contrast to a number of his less progressive colleagues. We would welcome his application for membership of RenewableUK, and look forward to helping him resubmit an application which takes into consideration all relevant issues, including aviation.”